Infinite Scroll Server Components with Next.js and react-query

August 5th, 2024


Server components are a great tool that allow us to render our UI closer to our data and send less JS and JSON down to browsers.

The programming model for rendering from the server -> the client is quite seamless, but if our UI is meant to be rendered on the server only then sometimes we need to reach back out from the client to the server to render more content without reloading the page.

This typically happens when the experience that we're building resembles a long list or a feed of some sort since we may not want to fetch & render everything upfront. For the sake of example, let's say that this was the UI that we want:

We have a list of heavy UI components that can only be rendered on the server, each of which has a client component child that can be used to refetch / invalidate the list. As the user scrolls, we want to render more of these components.


The first idea that might come to mind when implementing something like this is to use a search param to keep track of the page number / cursor. However, each time the search param changes, Next.js loads the server component payload for the entire page (which becomes really large as the user scrolls). Not only that, but the user's scroll position is lost each time which jumps them back to the top.

Instead, we can use ✨server actions✨ (another React feature that Next.js implements) to fetch & render server components on demand.

First off, we can fetch the first page of data, render it to some Item s on the server, and pass the rendered components down to a client List component.

// page.tsx

export default async function Home() {
  // Fetch the initial data
  const data = await fetchData({ pageNumber: 0 });

  // Render the initial items
  const initialItems = => <ListItem key={i} item={i} />);

  // Pass the initial items down to the client
  return (
    <main className="flex flex-col p-8 items-center">
      <List initialData={{ payload: initialItems, pageNumber: 0 }} />

List mounts an infinite query that caches rendered components. We can seed the query cache with the initial items that were rendered on the server. When the user scrolls past a certain point, we can use a server action to reach back out to the server to fetch and render more items.

// List.tsx

"use client";

export const List: React.FC<Props> = ({ initialData }) => {
  // Cache the rendered RSC payloads using react-query.
  const { data, fetchNextPage } = useInfiniteQuery({
    queryKey: ["list"],
    queryFn: ({ pageParam }) => fetchItemsAction(pageParam),
    initialPageParam: INITIAL_PAGE_NUMBER,
    initialData: {
      pages: [initialData],
      pageParams: [INITIAL_PAGE_NUMBER],
    getNextPageParam: (lastPage) => {
      if (!lastPage) return undefined;
      return lastPage.pageNumber + 1;

  // When the last element comes into view, we fetch the next page
  const { ref, inView } = useInView();
  useEffect(() => {
    if (inView) {
  }, [fetchNextPage, inView]);

  // Flatten the pages into a single array of items
  const items = useMemo(() => {
    return flatMap(data?.pages, (page) => page.payload);
  }, [data?.pages]);

  return (
      {, index) => (
        <Fragment key={index}>
          {item} {/* <- ReactNodes rendered on the server! */}
          {index === items.length - 3 && (
            <div ref={ref} className="invisible" />

The server action does exactly what you'd expect. It fetches the next page of data, renders the items, and returns them to the client.

"use server";

export const fetchItemsAction = async (pageNumber: number) => {
  const data = await fetchData({ pageNumber });
  const items = => <ListItem key={i} item={i} />);
  return { payload: items, pageNumber };

Invalidating the list is also really easy. We can use queryClient.invalidateQueries to refetch pages of UI components. This will call the server actions sequentially (starting with the first page) to fetch the data and render the items.

"use client";

export const InvalidateButton: React.FC = () => {
  const queryClient = useQueryClient();

  const invalidateList = () =>
      queryKey: ["list"],

  return (
      className="p-1 m-0 border-2 border-blue-500 bg-none"

And that's it! We've implemented infinite scroll server components with Next.js and react-query. The user can scroll through the list and fetch more items without reloading the page.

For the full code, check out the GitHub repository. Happy coding! 🚀